Hi there 👋🏻 ! I’m Manon Aarnink a half French 🇫🇷, half Dutch 🇳🇱 25 years old graphic designer willing to work with clients internationally. 
Besides my undeniably open, positive and respectful personality I am also great at my job as graphic designer. I am always looking for the latest trends and how I can include them in your creations while still keeping your brand identity strong. I push myself to create the best designs to make sure you are ALWAYS satisfied. Now let me introduce myself so you can get to know me better ! 

Growing up & Studies 
When I was a kid my dream job changed a lot. It went from wanting to become a veterinarian to a bus driver. While growing up I had given up on both and had no particular idea as to what I wanted to do later. At the end of high school as I did my research on universities I came across the communication, graphics & marketing world. I immediately knew that it was what I wanted to study. That’s how I ended up doing my first two years in communication and advertising. 
During this time we learned about all possible jobs that we could do after our studies. I quickly realized that the part I loved the most where building communication strategies and creating all the visual supports necessary to achieve them. The third year of my studies I went on an exchange in the Netherlands, my second country. I always said that I would live there one day and that’s what I did! I lived in the Hague for a year with 6 different roommates from all over the world. I learned so much about cultures and the world in general. Regardless, the classes I followed were a continuation of my first two years with different aspects of communication and marketing. Needless to say it was the best experience of my life!
When I came back I topped my studies by doing a master's in apprenticeship in communication marketing to have a first experience in professional work. I would be lying if I said I didn’t struggle  to find a company to work for but then I found FM Logistic. My job position was being In Charge of the Internal Communication of the IT Team. Again, not gonna lie, I wasn’t really excited by the job at first … needless to say that I was very lost in this male environment in which I didn’t understand a thing. 
As months passed, I started to enjoy my work more and more. It was really challenging to understand what I had to communicate about but once I got more comfortable in the environment it was easier. Also most of my tasks included some graphic design and I had a lot of fun creating the prints, the layout of the newsletter, presentations and other visuals for my team mates. 
Once my master was over a teacher of mine asked if I wanted to collaborate with him on a project. It sounded super exciting so I accepted and started as a freelancer. At the time I worked with some companies for whom I wanted to offer as much services as possible so I did websites, communication strategies, social media, etc. But as time passed, and having to deal with the covid pandemic, it became hard to convince some clients to work on their communication. Also I spent a year on my teachers project only to realize that I was alone on it and that it was just too big for me to carry alone so I decided to step away from it.

Graphic design 
After that, I thought a lot about what to do and for financial reasons I decided to look for a full time job. I only knew one thing, that I wanted to work on graphic design and nothing else from this day. I found a job as Web designer and that definitely helped me get more experience in graphic design. 
For personal reasons I couldn’t stay there and decided to become a freelancer again but this time only as a graphic and web designer, my two favorite things. I absolutely love graphic design because I love to always create something new based on what the client wants, their work and their values. I love the challenge of it and love that my creative side can be expressed. I would say my favorite part of this job is to replicate a branding based on the client’s needs. You get to really be creative with how you use the logo and graphic elements. 
So here I am today, truly enjoying what I am doing. 

On a more personal side I love to travel. I know a lot of people say this because obviously it’s amazing. I have been lucky enough to travel to a lot of places in this world and am always very excited to discover new cultures and what more beauty this world holds. I have seen the most amazing landscapes and nature and it never stops to amaze me. I always find beauty in the simplest things and my friends get annoyed at me for always telling them to look at the sunset because it’s so pretty. I don’t think I could ever get tired of the beauty of nature. 
The more the years passed and the more I discovered that sustainability is really an important subject for me. I try, on a very small scale, to do what I can and to be aware of the consequences that my actions hold on the planet. I almost only shop at second hand stores or up-cycling businesses that source sustainably and responsibly. I try to avoid shopping at all the huge e-commerce shops such as amazon, apple that are not only destroying the planet with their services but are also not a single bit respecting human rights. And that’s another thing I am fighting for, my voice is small but I try to make a change by sharing all these horrors that are happening in the world to try to make people aware and maybe take action. 
I am far from being the best example on this topic but it definitely is something that matters a lot to me. If you want to work with me on a sustainable project, I am all in ! 
Besides that, my true passion relies in music. I have been singing  ever since I was a kid and have a project of coming out with a song of mine before the end of this year. It is quite challenging because the only thing I know how to do is sing. All in all, I love music, I love concerts, festivals and everything that has to do with it. 

That was my story, if you made it this far, congratulations & thank you ! I hope you enjoyed learning more about who I am. Now I would like to know more about you so don’t hesitate to contact me if you want to work on a project with me :)
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